Alph@TaV Vault - Application description and Vault Levels Details
For more Updated Information please reffer to our current doc on our main website :
Application description
Application description
Alph@TaV is a Very High-Level Files Protection Software based on the principle of Rescheduling the Initial Binary Structure of any source files within their own defined rules that are specific to each one of the input file.
Once a data has been protected, you will obtain the Main Protected File result plus 3 Key-Files (Like in Swiss Banks) to get the coherence of the Bundled Protected files back and you can start from anyone of them to open the Vault.
Because some binary parts of the source files themselves are transposed inside our Algorithms, the cyphering result will contains some missing parts of the binary source code which won’t be able to be recovered since they no longer exist inside the Produced Protected Files, this is why there is absolutely no coherence to be analysed within the produced result.
Alph@TaV is also using aPerpetually Changing Temporal Factor plus a very secure 9000-Bits Number to increase the security of the final produced Bundled Protected Files to a Very High AND Irreversible Level.
There are three Basic Protection Modes that are described in Vault Level 1 in blue / Vault Level 2 in yellow / Vault Level 3 in red.
You can protect any kind of files (ex. Office documents / Multimedia Files / Archive Files / or any other existing source files); the Cyphering Process Time may vary a lot according to the nature and the size of each source file.
The Protected Files Bundle Result Size will also hugely vary depending on the input files; it is also possible for the Result Bundle Files Size to grow larger than the Source Bundle itself.
Alph@TaV is NOT designed to be a file optimisation software but a real Strong File Protection one.
This why we do not focus on the Final Files Size Result or on the Processing Time, but on the fact that your data will be really highly secured and absolutely impossible to reverse if you don’t possess every needed elements (The Main Protected Data *.atd and those corresponding 3 Decoding Key-Files *.atk1 / 2 / 3, plus in some case, the correct PIN-Code or/and Password)
You can leave the password field empty to Secure your files in the Vault Level 2 or you can add a Personal Password (The longest one is the Best Secured result) to go to Vault level 3 Data Protection.
Difference between Vault Levels is detailed in (Encoding Level 1 in blue /Encrypting level 2 in yellow / Encrypting level 3 in red) links.
Details Vault Level 1
Data are simply « Encoded » with our main Ex0-SyS Proprietary Alph@TaV Algorithm and you will only need the produced Main Protected File (*.atd) with its corresponding Key-Files (*.atk1 / *.atk2 / *.atk3) to open the Vault and to restore them.
Moreover, each time you will encode the same Source Files you will obtain the same Encoded results.
The Security of your protected file is exclusively guaranteed by the absolute needs to possess the Main Encoded file and its corresponding Key-Files together.
If one of them is missing, you won’t be able to Decode your files; furthermore, it will be totally impossible to get them back because there is absolutely no coherence to be analysed inside each standalone protected file: they must be together to get THE coherence back.
Details Vault Level 2
Data will be « Encoded » with our main Ex0-SyS Proprietary Alph@TaV Algorithm, plus using a constantly changing Time Factor to « Encrypt » the result.
To decrypt your data, you will of course need the produced Main Protected File (*.atd) with its corresponding Key-Files (*.atk1 / *.atk2 / *.atk3), plus a PIN-Code in TEXT or QR-Code format, which represents the Temporal Factor that has been used during the Cyphering process.
Moreover, each time you will Encrypt the same Source Files you will obtain different Encrypted results simply because Time is Always Changing.
The Security of your protected file is now guaranteed by the absolute needs to possess theMain Protected File with its corresponding Key-Files, in addition to a PIN-Code representing the Temporal Factor used during the Encryption process.
If one of them is missing, you won’t be able to Decrypt your files and it will also be totally impossible to get them back because there is absolutely no coherence to be analysed inside each standalone protected file: they must be together to get THE coherence back, but they also need the correct Time Factor to solve the cyphered bundle result.
Details Vault Level 3
Data will be « Encoded » with our main Ex0-SyS Proprietary Alph@TaV Algorithm, plus using a constantly changing Time Factor and a Personal Password to « Encrypt » the result.
To decrypt your data, you will of course need the produced Main Protected File (*.atd) with its corresponding Key-Files (*.atk1 /*.atk2 / *.atk3), plus aPIN-Code in TEXT or QR-Code format, which represents theTemporal Factor and of course the corresponding Personal Password that has been used during the Cyphering process.
Moreover, each time you will Encrypt the same Source Files you will obtain a different Encrypted result simply because Time is Always Changing.
The Security of your protected file is now guaranteed by the absolute needs to possess theMain Protected File with its corresponding Key-Files, in addition to a PIN-Code representing the Temporal Factor and the Personal Password that was used during the Encryption process.
If one of them is missing, you won’t be able to Decrypt your files and it will also be totally impossible to get them back because there is absolutely no coherence to be analysed inside each standalone protected file: they must be together to get THE coherence back, but they also need the correct Time Factor and the correct Personal Password to solve the cyphered bundle result.
When you need to Un-Vault (Decode/Decrypt) any Alph@TaV Protected Files, you will
have really pay attention to the correct Un-Vaulting Parameters.
Depending on which Security Options was chosen during the Alph@TaV En-Vaulting Process
(Ecoding/Encrypting), you may permanently Lose
Your Data if you do some mistakes trying to Un-Vault the Current Protected Files .
Because Ex0-SyS Alph@TaV had some Very High Secure En-Vaulting Restriction Options , please be sure
that you fully understand what are the risks in case of BAD Un-Vaulting Parameters!
Here are some scenarios in which you may encounter an IRREVERSIBLE DATA LOST depending on
these specific En-Vaulting Restriction Options:
Uncyphering Attempt + External Medias Storage Hardware Restricted:
If files are Hardware Restricted
to be Un-Vaulted ONLY from some Specifics
External Medias (USB) and if you try to use a copy of them located in
another External Media that is NOT allowed, Every Protected Files that
are Located on Any Medias (even Authorized Ones) will be Irreversibly
Destruction-On- Failed
Uncyphering Attempt + Authorized Machines Hardware Restricted:
If files are Hardware Restricted
to be Un-Vaulted ONLY from some Specifics
Authorized Machines (Physical Computers/Workstations) and if this Current
Machine was NOT authorized, Every Protected Files that are Located on
Any Medias (Internal or External HDD / USB) will be Irreversibly
Destruction-On- Failed
Uncyphering Attempt + BAD Temporal PIN TXT/QR-Code or NOT Needed:
If you don’t remember the correct text PIN-Code or if you load a code from a wrong TXT/QR-Code File , or simply trying to use a PIN-Code when it
wasn’t needed, Every Protected Files that are Located on Any Medias
(Internal or External HDD / USB) will be Irreversibly Destroyed
Destruction-On- Failed
Uncyphering Attempt + BAD Password or NOT Needed:
If you don’t remember the correct Un-Vaulting
Password or if you try to use a pass when it wasn’t needed, Every
Protected Files that are Located on Any Medias (Internal or External
HDD / USB) will be Irreversibly Destroyed
Of course any of those En-Vaulting
Restriction Options Combos will produce the same result if there is any mistakes !
Now you’ve
been warned, you can fully enjoy the power of Alph@TaV Vaults .. ... .....
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