Unbreakable NON+Crypted Encoding System
This article aims to present and detail the operating steps of this new
data protection system
It as been being formalized in the form of proof-of-concept software named
Alph@TaV Vault
Securization Steps
- (*.atd)
During the main securization process, the global
input data stream (that is any of the selected source files and/or folders)
will be merged together into a Main-Protected-File archive with
the following file extension (*.atd).
This Main-Protected-File is the
representation of the global binary structure of all the input files and
folders that have been completely Re-Scheduled by our algorithms; for
this reason, its own binary structure turns out to be so well organized once
the securization process is over. (Video5b)
The Re-Scheduled global binary structure
of the Main-Protected-File is directly imposed by the unique binary
identity of each of the source files and folders that are being considered,
bit-by-bit, in their own individual binary grid representation.
The whole final binary grid representation of the
Main-Protected-File will also strictly depend on - and may vary a lot
according to - each and every securization and restriction option that was
selected by the User before launching the main encoding/encryption
There are two main defined data protection
categories: the first one is intended to protect the data by encoding
it, the second one will protect the data by encrypting it.
These two main categories are further declined in
3 different protection modes that are called Vault Level 1 for the Encoding
mode and Vault Level 2 & 3 for the Encryption one.
The only difference between Vault Level 2
and Vault Level 3 is that level 3 can contain an unlimited length
complex password, increasing thereby the encryption complexity level to be
reached, as one is in the Encryption mode starting at Vault Level 2.
1 & 2 - (*.atk1 / *.atk2)
In order to produce the Main-Protected-File,
our algorithms will extract some binary parts of the global input data stream,
using an on-the-fly generated sub-algorithm, and create the 2
Physical-Key-Files with the following file extensions (*.atk1 and
These 2 Physical-Key-Files are then used
to define the way the binary sequence of the global input data stream must be Re-Scheduled
during the final binary structure generation process of the Main-Protected-File.
During this process, a binary part of the global
input data stream itself will be virtually transposed, on-the-fly, by our
algorithms into themselves and the binary parts thus transposed won’t exist any
longer neither be contained, whether in the Main-Protected-File or in
any of the two extracted Physical-Key-Files.
The binary structure of each of these Physical-Key-Files
strictly depends on what the exact binary order of the global input data stream
binary sequence was, as it was itself defined by the chosen data vault level
protection modes (Encoding Vault Level 1 / Encryption Vault
Levels 2 & 3) and the respective corresponding security and/or
restriction options.
From now on, absolutely no binary coherence in
relation with the original input source files and folders can be extracted,
whether from the Main-Protected-File or from any of the two Physical-Key-Files
and nobody, even through any kind of algorithms, can obtain any understandable
information about the real nature of the sources, if taken outside of the exact
original global binary context.
The original binary context itself can only be
solved once you can associate the organized Re-Scheduled binary
structure of the Main-Protected-File and the randomly, on-the-fly Re-Scheduled,
binary structures of their own two corresponding generated Physical-Key-Files,
plus of course the absolutely needed missing binary parts that have been
virtually transposed by algorithms.
3 - (*.atk3)
Simultaneously with the generating of the Main-Protected-File
using the two first extracted Physical-Key-Files to define its own Re-Scheduled
binary structure, a third Physical-Key-File will be generated to protect
the whole bundle, using the following file extension (*.atk3).
The Physical-Key-File 3 contains all
information necessary to understand how to use the Physical-Key-Files 1
& 2 in order to decode/decrypt the Main-Protected-File,
and once again all of this depends strictly on what the exact global original
binary context considered bit-by-bit was in the right global initial binary
sequence logic.
Those information allows the Physical-Key-Files
1 & 2 to get their own coherence back, so that they may be used in turn
to reveal the original global binary context from the Main-Protected-File and
finally restore all the original input files and folders.
During the generation of the third Physical-Key-File,
its own internal binary structure is Re-Scheduled in another scheme that
uses time as a random factor plus some very large prime numbers to compute an
extremely long cyphering key (from 3’000 to 9’000 bits or even
the forbidden 27’000 bits “Beta Version mode”, depending on the selected
options), on which the way of reading and understanding the binary sequence
itself depends.
At this point, there are now 1
Main-Protected-File plus 3 Physical-Key-Files that are all
absolutely needed simultaneously to allow the coherence of the original global
binary context to be recovered, and since they are only 4 simple files, they
can be split between 4 individuals on 4 different geolocations.
goes back to the very basic concept of divide and conquer; in this specific
case, none of the protected files or those corresponding unlocking keys
independently taken out of their initial context can reveal information that
could be used to interpret from near of far the protected data.
of these four files can be revealed before the eyes of all without risking
exposing the protected data: among other things, what makes the system
irreversible is that even if all initial conditions are met including the 4
files (*. atd / * .atk1 / * .atk2 / * .atk3) and the algorithmic part
itself containing virtually a part of the source binary code, no coherence can
be observed or even calculated without knowing the initial solution
algorithmicly defined during the securization processes to be allowed to solve
the problem.
Securization Processes
the Alph@TaV data protection system is not based on any known classical
algorithmic methods aimed at transforming source data; it is a new approach
consisting of describing their basic binary structures to reordinate them and
fragment them into several secure files thanks to the algorithms we have
Our algorithmic logic itself does not rely, strictly speaking, on
techniques using conventional software algorithmic logic; it is an algorithm
based on systems of mathematical equations applied to more or less complex
binary operations.
This method allows a complete reorganization of all the initial binary code
of the source data according to a single pattern on which it is totally
impossible to apply any reverse engineering strategy to try extracting any
coherent information in relation to the protected source data.
Therefore, we are talking about the fundamental notion of Re-Scheduling
source binary data as the primary element of information securization.
As previously described, this system makes it possible to produce four
distinct secured files, one representing the main data protected by Re-Scheduling
the binary structure of the input data (* .atd), as well as three other
files representing the way to interpret and exploit this protected data; these
can be considered as the three unique physical keys for decoding information (*
.atk1 / * .atk2 / * .atk3).
This procedure is common to the 3 levels of data protection described as Vault
Level 1, Vault Level 2 and Vault Level 3 and is the minimum level of
protection achieved in the Vault Level 1 securization mode -- that is, a
master vault file (* .atd), as well as three unique physical keys to
unlock it (* .atk1 / * .atk2 / * .atk3).
From the Vault Level 2 securization mode, a new factor enters into
the equation involving time as a dynamic element allowing additional random
modulation that has a unique time blueprint and which in turn is used to define
what the exact order of the final reordering sequence of the internal binary
structure of the Main-Protected-File (* .atd) will be.
As soon as the Vault Level 2 level is reached, we can consider that
the data is no longer protected by a simple encoding logic because from
now on it will benefit, in addition to this one, from a variable level of encryption
linked to the fact that the binary reordering itself of the main data undergoes
in turn a random alteration caused by time.
This additional dynamic temporal modulation factor gives rise to a fifth
essential security element for decrypting the secure data.
is sent to the user at the end of the securization process in the form of a Temporal
PIN Code that can either be copied manually or saved as a simple text file
or as a QR-Code that can be scanned by all common applications, or also being
saved as image file.
Without knowing this 5th temporal securization element which is
algorithmically solved only through the PIN Code, and even with the Main-Protected-File
and its own 3 Physical-Key-Files -- considering also the essential
need to perfectly master the operation of our algorithms -- it becomes
absolutely impossible to use secure data to try to find any information in
relation to the original information.
Indeed, without precisely controlling the order defined by the unique
temporal blueprint that was used to dynamically and randomly modulate the
reordering sequence of the binary structure of the source data, we are now in
possession of four batches composed of binary grids totally incomprehensible
because having no conceivable coherence whatsoever.
Moreover, because of its fundamental nature, the continuous passing of time
has a property that has hitherto been accepted as an established fact, considering
that its progression arrow is one-way and therefore not reversible to the views
of technical knowledge at our disposal to date.
Adding to this the fact that time also possesses another property related
to the resolution of its definition which is itself fragmentable into infinite
subunits at infinite scales, this allows for an interweaving of several
scientifically recognized factors, which once employed in an encryption system
as dynamic-random element inherently produce a phenomenon of absolute non-reversibility
of it based on the principle that the arrow of time is itself technically
Now, concerning the Vault Level 3 securization mode, it uses exactly
the same cumulative operating principles of the two preceding Vault Level 1 and
Vault Level 2, adding an additional complexification layer infinitely
customizable through a 6th securization element defined by a user password of
which the length and complexity are limitless.
From the beginning of the binary reordering process performed from the Vault
Level 1 securization mode, the user password (the most complex being
recommended) is used to complicate the organization pattern of the future
binary grid being reordered.
The dynamic temporal modulation system of the binary sequence of this
future secure grid being formed is complicated exponentially by using the user
password to increase the resolution and the complexity of the unique time flow
defined during the securization process reaches from the Vault Level 2
protection mode.
Finally, the interpretation itself of the three decoding Physical-Key-Files
(* .atk1 / * .atk2 / * .atk3) is defined exclusively by the ability to
understand and solve the 7th securization element being guaranteed by the
generation of a longer or shorter ciphering key whose complexity and length
differ according to the chosen securization mode (Encoding Vault Level 1
to Encryption Vault Levels 2 & 3) and the selected ciphering key
The ciphering key length itself latter ranging from a non-variable length
algorithmically and dynamically imposed for Vault Level 1 to a length
varying from 3’000 to 9’000 or even up to 27’000 bits for Vault
Level 2 & 3 which are for their part configurable by the User.
We find ourselves at this level with 7 Different Security Elements that
make up the secure data protection described by :
- 1. Main-Protected-File (a physical file with the extension *.atd)
- 2. Physical-Key-File 1 (a physical file with the extension *.atk1)
- 3. Physical-Key-File 2 (a physical file with the extension *.atk2)
- 4. Physical-Key-File 3 (a physical file with the extension *.atk3)
- 5. Temportal PIN Code (represented by a complex Text String or a PDF-417 Codebar)
- 6. Personnal User Password (an unlimited lenght and complexity unique password)
- 7. Final Ciphering Key (Huge decimal number computed from time factors and prime numbers)
In addition, since all 4 secured files produced during steps 1 to 4
can all be independently recorded and arranged in 4 geographically different
locations through the used external storage media, it provides an 8th protected
data securing element described by:
- 8. Physicaly Fragmented Information (by geolocation at various points of protected files)
Finally, considering that the algorithms internal to the system itself are
themselves essential to reconstruct the original data, we can consider them as
forming the 9th securization element of the protected data described by :
- 9. Comprehensive nested proprietary algorithmic protection (Proprietary as a BlackBox)
Securization Options
At this time, thanks to an independent parameterizable option for each selected external media, a 10th level of stackable protection is achieved by activating a hardware lock in strict physical relation with the external media (s) on which each secure file and / or unlocking keys have been independently logged (up to 4 different external physical media for each of the 4 independently generated files during the main data security process).
This has the effect that none of the protected data, even knowing all the decoding parameters, can be exploited without the strict condition of being on the physical medium (s) corresponding exactly to that selected by the user during the process of defining securization options:
- 10. External Media Storage Hardware Lock (take really good care of each one of the USB media)
- 11. Physical Target Computer(s) Restriction (min 2 are recommended in case of hardware failure)
- 12. Temporal File Unlocking Limitation (Never forget the last limit, time will never run backward)
first aspect is not considered to be an additional stackable optional security
level because it only concerns the scenarios in which the data will be
destroyed, at what point in time and with what level of file destruction it
will occur. (Shredding by overwriting the files through 1,3,9,17,51 passes)
• Scenario 2 concerns only the destruction of the protected data during the unciphering process to have only the restored version of the original data.
• Scenario 3 is a stack of the two preceding scenarios; we speak then of the notion of Data-Unicity insofar as it exists only in one form and in one or multiple place (s).
To conclude, the 13th and ultimate level of stackable security allows a permanent and irreversible destruction of the protected data in case of any error of entering the decoding parameters (reading from bad external media / password or wrong PIN code or addition of one of them when not necessary / unauthorized machine / protected files or non-compliant unlocking keys)
- 13. Destruction on Fail (depending on other options, data will be destroyed and won’t ever exist anymore)
Four securization options to
come will bring the global final system to 15 stacked protection elements one described by :
- 14. Final Ciphering Key extracted as a physical file (ciphering key becomes a physical element)
- 15. Emergency Destruction Code (secret code that erase all data if introduced in password field)
More information about this article, please do not hesitate to contact us.