Ex0-SyS Biographies - The Company (Ex0-SyS), Roland (CEO), Julian (CREATOR), Matthias (DEV)

Ex0-SyS Start-up biography and its three founders

The Ex0-SyS Company

Ex0-SyS comes from the meeting and synergy of 3 complementary people, each of them being full of a strong creative energy.

The Ex0-SyS members (Roland LECOCQ, Julian and Matthias) are also passionate about the fields of science, the universe of numbers and analytical logic.

We have therefore decided to bring together our skills and convert our ideas into innovative broad field projects in a professional way.

This is how the startup company Ex0-SyS was born to finally become what it is today.

Our shared passions have led us to develop algorithms and IT tools which are essentially based on the fundamental elements making up all known information systems.

Computer systems include binary algebraic logics and algorithmic processing of high frequency or very large prime numbers.

We have also designed systems based on the interaction of fundamental irrational numbers such as Pi, Phi, and Cubit as initial conditions for constituting integers.

All of this allowed us to design and implement together an algorithm for reordering pure binary information, providing among others absolute security and a significant reduction in the volume of digital data.

This Alph@TaV Data-Fragmentation algorithm allowed us to design and realize several tools and computer software which are put together under the label Alph@TaV Systems, as our other projects are being combined under the label Ex0-Tools Softwares & Services.

To date we have just released the first version of our flagship product, that is the Alph@TaV Vault v 1.3 security and data transfer software.

This software offers many security options for which the end user precisely defines the secure data access restrictions.

You will find all the details concerning the Alph@TaV Vault software within this campaign as well as on our website (www.ex0-sys.ch).

To conclude, we have planned the evolution of the Alph@TaV Vault software until the publication of versions 2.0 and 3.0, and it is precisely to achieve these objectives that we have decided to carry out this fundraising campaign.

We thank you in advance for your support and we are pleased to introduce you to the projects and products offered by Ex0-SyS.

Do not hesitate to contact us: more@exo-sys.ch


My professional background is in administration, project management, as well as finance and real estate management.

As I stabilize our creative energies, my role within Ex0-SyS is to regulate and structure our projects  and to accompany and support our designers and developers.

Thanks to my professional curriculum, I am responsible for all of the administrative, financial and legal aspects of our company Ex0-SyS.

Passionate about ancient texts, particularly with regard to biblical exegesis and the mystery of numbers and rules which result from it, I have also used my skills for the initial reflection that has led us to the realization of our projects.

Swiss citizen of Vaud and very keen on Alpine sports, I enjoy our beautiful mountains as soon as time permits: it is for me a beautiful way to recharge my batteries.

Finally, as far as my personality is concerned, I feel one is always to believe in his plans and go forward without ever being discouraged.

My motto: Go forward, go straight to the goal and never give up!


I was born in 1978 and still belong to the generation which came into being before the advent of personal computers and microcomputers as we know them today.

I was fortunate to have my first computer at the age of 8 and I was immediately seduced by all the possibilities offered by such a device.

Computer science quickly became a passion, which naturally led me to fulfill my entire professional career in this field.

Passionate about the universe of numbers and the study and design of logical systems as well, I have over the years moved towards the development of algorithms and computer tools based on these skills.

For instance, I am among others the designer and director of the Ex0-BAMT project -- an operating system dedicated to MINING Crypto-Coins which was launched in March 2014 and about which you can still find information on Google.

My research on numbers has also led me to design the Ex0-Pi-Phi-Cubit-Calc calculator which allows among other things to solve integers from irrational numbers such as Pi, Phi and the cubit, without any limit of precision on the length of decimals.

My passion for numbers, especially for prime numbers, has allowed me to design the online tool Ex0-Prime-Toolbar, which allows for the verification and generation of consecutive prime numbers’ lists without any limit of size at an amazing performance speed.

Since childhood, music composition and production have always been my outlet, but I never wished to pursue a career in this field as music is above all a purely personal creative pleasure to me.

As a Swiss-born citizen of Geneva who has grown up in this country, I am a freedom and fairness-loving individual, giving much importance to details and to a well done job (The famous Swiss Quality).

In conclusion let me quote a slogan which defines well my personality:

Everything is always possible as long as no one tells you it is impossible!


I was born in 1984 in Geneva, where I grew up, and I have always been passionate about the science of information technology.

The computer field that particularly attracted me from an early age has always been the design and programming of computer software, and this since I was 15 years old.

During my professional curriculum, I worked as a developer for several companies in the Geneva area, moving from medium-sized SME structures to large-scale companies and multinationals with up to 150,000 employees and associates.

During this course, I was able to receive several awards including the "Award for best financial performance" in a very large trading company.

The Ex0-SyS project immediately interested me by its nature relating to the foundations of my science, namely the binary algebra which is among other things the basis of most algorithms and encryption systems known to date.

The realization of our Alph@TaV Vault digital security and data transmission software was full of challenges, which sometimes seemed insurmountable, but the result obtained so far has been well worth it.

It is the result of many years of passionate work and comes from several innovative technologies which we have designed and developed thanks to the synergy and complementarity that have been established between the members of the Ex0-SyS team.

To date, and from my expertise, I can say that the Alph@TaV Vault encryption system we have developed is truly innovative, mature and solid.

It can also be said that it is ready to deal with future quantum computers, since it does not rely on the raw computing power of computers but on the way the binary data is reorganized, structured and described.

As for a quote describing well my way of seeing and doing things, I will choose this one:

One is to know how to remain pragmatic and never let passion blind him in order to always be analyze objectively the feasibility and the realization of a project.


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